Americable Customer Care

  • Arris DG3450 – Change the Wi-Fi Name and Password and other Wi-Fi Options

    1.  Hardwire a PC or connect via Wi-Fi to the Home Networking modem. 2.  Launch a web browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. Type into the address bar and press Enter. The Login page should open if you are connected to the home networking modem. 3. …

  • What is the Policy for Non-Payment Disconnection?

    After 45 days of nonpayment, a customer’s service is disconnected. *** This includes any pre-paid services. *** In order to reconnect services, the past due balance must be paid, in addition to a $30 reconnection fee. (The next month’s payment  may be required as well, depending on when services are…

  • When is my bill due?

    Bill payment is due by the 2nd of each month. If a customer has not received a bill via e-mail by the 2nd of the month they should contact the base office to inquire about the bill. Reminder: A $10 late fee is imposed approximately 10 days after the bill…

  • What are possible other fees I might have to pay?

    Registration Fee: $50.00 Installation Fee: $ 49.95 Late Fee (applied on the 13th of each month): $10.00 Cable/Internet Reconnect Fee (non-pay disconnect): $30.00 Lost or Damaged Modem Fee* $125.00 Missing or Damaged Power Cord* $ 25.00 Replacement Cat5e Cable* $ 10.00

  • What are my payment options?

    We offer many ways to make a payment: Save time and pay your bill online by logging into your MyAccount Mail a check using MPS/USPS to:     For Yokosuka and Ikego customers:        Americable International, Inc.        PSC 473 Box 87        FPO AP 96349-0087      For Atsugi customers:        Americable International, Inc.        PSC 477 Box…

  • How do I inactivate my account?

    You may terminate your service at any time by visiting your local Americable Customer Service Office. Inactivation will be granted immediately once all equipment is returned and balances are settled. If the equipment is damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen while in your possession, you shall be liable for the cost…