Americable Customer Care

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  3. What are my payment options?

What are my payment options?

We offer many ways to make a payment:

Save time and pay your bill online by logging into your MyAccount

Mail a check using MPS/USPS to:
     For Yokosuka and Ikego customers:
    Americable International, Inc.
        PSC 473 Box 87
        FPO AP 96349-0087

     For Atsugi customers:
 Americable International, Inc.
        PSC 477 Box 55
        FPO AP 96306-0055

     For Sasebo / Hario customers:
   Americable International, Inc.
        PSC 476 BOX 125
        FPO AP 96322-0125

     For Iwakuni:
     Americable International, Inc.
        PSC 561 BOX 930
        FPO AP 96310-0930

Drop a check in our dropbox locations:
    Yokosuka = BLDG B-39B on the scout hut end of the building.
    Atsugi = BLDG 538, next to the Americable Office door.
    Sasebo = Americable office (BLDG. 96) near the entrance door.
    Hario = on the left of the main entrance to the Community Center.

Navy Federal Credit Union offers a Bill Pay option for each account.
 Contact NFCU for details.

Cash, check, money orders, and credit card payments are accepted in our office:   

    Yokosuka Office hours: Monday-Friday, 07:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Atsugi Office hours: Monday-Friday, 07:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Sasebo Office hours: Monday-Friday, 07:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Iwakuni Office hours: Monday-Saturday, 07:30 am. to 4:30 p.m.

Remember! Bills are due on the 2nd of each month.

Save time and pay your bill online at MyAccount

Updated on 14 July 2021

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