Americable Customer Care

  • Can I use my personal modem or wireless modem?

    No. Per our franchise agreement, subscribers are only authorized to use Americable modems and wireless modems.  You are allowed, however, to use your own personal wireless router with an Americable non-wifi modem.  This allows us to ensure the modems remains up to date in order to provide you with the…

  • Do I need to schedule an activation/inactivation in advance?

    No. For both requests, just stop by your local Customer Service Office. Upon activation of services, you will be issued the equipment needed to start service. To inactivate your Americable service, you must return all equipment and settle your balance with a Customer Service Representative. Our Yokosuka, Atsugi and Sasebo…

  • Can I transfer my services to another base that offers Americable?

    Yes. To transfer your services, your current Americable account must be inactivated. All equipment previously issued to you must be returned to your current Americable office before moving. Once you have moved to your new residence, please visit the local Americable office to update your address and receive your new…

  • Can I give my CC information over the phone?

    All phone calls are monitored and recorded for quality assurance. To protect our customers from the compromise of any sensitive information, we prohibit the exchange of credit card numbers and expiration dates over the phone. For customer convenience, we offer online credit card transactions via your MyAccount access. You can…

  • Can someone else return my equipment?

    Yes. Technically, anyone can return your equipment to our Customer Service Office but it is not recommended. If the equipment is damaged or destroyed while in someone else’s possession, you will be liable for the cost of repair or replacement of the equipment.

  • Is Americable offered out in town?

     No. Americable cannot offer services off base. You can look into the dish for TV and you can contact your housing office with assistance on getting internet from off base providers.

  • How do I contact my base office by e-mail?

    Please follow these steps to contact a base office by e-mail: Login to My Account by clicking on the link below, if you have not logged in previously you may Create your account by using your email address and following the instructions sent to your e-mail. Submit a Ticket by…

  • I have closed my account. Where is my refund?

    Americable’s refund policy provides that an account must remain inactive for 30 days prior to a refund being issued. Once the account has reached the 30 days, a refund will be issued to the card that was used for payment. If payments were made with either cash or check, refunds…