Americable Customer Care

  • Android Devices

    Instructions for AndroidTV and Android devices.

  • Account Suspension Request

    Login to your “My Account” by clicking the link at the top left of the home page. If you have not already activated your account please do so by clicking activate account. Click Suspend Requests Next, choose the start and end date, and then Submit. A request will be…

  • User Agreement for Internet Service

    Home Networking Service Bandwidth, Data Storage and Other Limitations of Service Vacation & Deployment Service Suspension Policy Americable will suspend the customer’s services without them having to return the equipment to the office or place a deposit for their cable modem.  For more details please refer to the “Americable Vacation…

  • Website Visitor Agreement and Terms of Use

    Welcome to Americable Japan’s website through,, or (“Americable”, “us” or “we”). Please read this Visitor Agreement and Terms of Use (the “Agreement”). By using this service, you agree to its terms. If the terms of this Agreement are changed, by continuing to use the Service after we…

  • Customer Privacy Notice

    As a subscriber to Americable’s services, you are entitled under federal law, Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, (the “Cable Act”) to know the following: The limitations placed upon cable operators in the collection and disclosure of personally identifiable information about subscribers.The nature of the personally identifiable information…

  • DMCA Policy

    Americable International, Inc. and Americable International Japan, Inc. respect the owners of copyrighted materials and their rights under federal law.  We do not permit our service to be used to infringe copyrights.  If one of our broadband subscribers is an infringer, we will take actions to attempt to stop such…

  • Service Brochures

    Yokosuka / Atsugi Brochure Sasebo Brochure Iwakuni Brochure

  • Vacation Deployment Service Suspension Policy

    While on deployment or vacation for at least two weeks and not more than 6 months there is no need to disconnect your service and return Americable’s equipment. 3 WAYS TO SUSPEND SERVICE 1) Go to After logging in to your account, click “Suspension Request” and select the dates…