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  3. Which device is more likely to use the most Data? (Smart TV, gaming systems, or streaming)

Which device is more likely to use the most Data? (Smart TV, gaming systems, or streaming)

Streaming and gaming systems use the most data, but both can be managed. Streaming depends on the services you subscribe to and what you have the playback settings set to. Most services have typical playback usage rates of Low 0.3gb (300mb), Medium 0.7gb (700mb), and High (HD 3gb/Ultra HD 7gb per hour). Gaming systems are dependent on how you acquire your games. If you purchase your game through your console, you can have downloads of 10 to 60 Gb. This is also followed up by any updates, which will vary from game to game. If you purchase the game on a disc, you will not see those larger initial downloads, but the updates for the games will still be something to monitor. The actual playing of the game online will not cause a huge amount of data.

Updated on 14 July 2021

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